Do you think I knew about that song and video? I was led to it right after publishing the first post. Was She pleased by my words and decided to reward me revealing a secret, a plot twist? Or is it only a test? Losing has its advantages? Indy babe? She roasted the chicken LOL. Well, I'd find that easier to forgive. If it happens just like that, would the girl in the front seat swear like she did, or would she be indifferent and reveal she has never really cared? What if the turning around does not mean exactly, "Hello, India"? What if it's, "Hello, Indiana"? This is so crazy, isn't it? All I know is that loving Her is so much better than having idols and the fear of God is such a beautiful thing.
If it's really the end of the Line, if the on hold Call to answer worldly professional priorities was also hiding that kind of personal "communication", I'm happy with myself, for my mission was perfectionistly accomplished. I know I treated her right and was extremely careful to hurt her not, always supporting the soul that at least apparently was interested in the Truth and had been kind to me. Especially after receiving the sign, although I knew I was dealing with the Infinite who had all Power to twist things, I'd never allow myself to be anything less than the best I could in his Grace to make that little child smile. Because even if I failed, I knew the Teacher would be smiling at me.