Sophia & Me
domingo, 30 de junho de 2024
Mooning My Friends
Fifteen years later, I'm still "alone" and without anyone to "support" me.
I guess I don't care if my Plane touches only her heart down there.
"And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?"
You probably have already read those words many times out there. People express that thought when they judge an artist should be having more or less people acknowledging his or her talent. Do you want to know what's really dangerous though? When having 1 or 1 million fans, the individual finds "safety" in those who can't tell bullshit from truly bold, gracious and good words. So, if that public does not desire Wisdom, that means they're wishing their idol could win more hearts and be transported from the state of shortage of applause and money to that with a full cup and the whole world of "women" or "men" onboard.
Celebrate now, Adam.
You have become miserable.
You probably have already read those words many times out there. People express that thought when they judge an artist should be having more or less people acknowledging his or her talent. Do you want to know what's really dangerous though? When having 1 or 1 million fans, the individual finds "safety" in those who can't tell bullshit from truly bold, gracious and good words. So, if that public does not desire Wisdom, that means they're wishing their idol could win more hearts and be transported from the state of shortage of applause and money to that with a full cup and the whole world of "women" or "men" onboard.
Celebrate now, Adam.
You have become miserable.
Just Remember Me
"For in mine holy mountain, in the mountain of the height of Israel, saith the Lord God, there shall all the house of Israel, all of them in the land, serve me: there will I accept them, and there will I require your offerings, and the firstfruits of your oblations, with all your holy things."
Do you wonder why the years go by and still you don't hear much from "christians", and it feels like in one hundred years, if they're still here, nothing will have changed? Maybe they don't really believe they are criminals who deserved to die for seeking "things", and they have only looked for an "alternative" to the Discipleship in order to keep the "dream" of the "girl on the boat" in them alive. They could be vibing with the world, not really humbling themselves and wholeheartedly searching for Truth.
Why have I always felt the girls on the bus closer to my mind than those next to my body in the temple? Why does God answer prayers of people who might not even realize they are praying? If you search for "mine elect", you get an idea. I'm not saying that those people you meet there are not His, but I find it disturbing and scary when they fail to judge as the Judge expect them to do. If they are calling Him from upon the Rock, why do they behave as though there were no Thing and nobody to defend? Maybe the "alternative" is as dangerous as living your "life" without ever calling upon His name and coming into temples, leaving you out of Course, only pretending to be His pupil. Because if you're are praying for "things", you don't really want and need Her.
Have you accepted Word as your personal Savior?
Are you sure it's not your selfish will that still matters to you doing?
Do you wonder why the years go by and still you don't hear much from "christians", and it feels like in one hundred years, if they're still here, nothing will have changed? Maybe they don't really believe they are criminals who deserved to die for seeking "things", and they have only looked for an "alternative" to the Discipleship in order to keep the "dream" of the "girl on the boat" in them alive. They could be vibing with the world, not really humbling themselves and wholeheartedly searching for Truth.
Why have I always felt the girls on the bus closer to my mind than those next to my body in the temple? Why does God answer prayers of people who might not even realize they are praying? If you search for "mine elect", you get an idea. I'm not saying that those people you meet there are not His, but I find it disturbing and scary when they fail to judge as the Judge expect them to do. If they are calling Him from upon the Rock, why do they behave as though there were no Thing and nobody to defend? Maybe the "alternative" is as dangerous as living your "life" without ever calling upon His name and coming into temples, leaving you out of Course, only pretending to be His pupil. Because if you're are praying for "things", you don't really want and need Her.
Have you accepted Word as your personal Savior?
Are you sure it's not your selfish will that still matters to you doing?
sábado, 29 de junho de 2024
It's Over
"Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:"
If it's working for me, I can't stop working.
Acabei de lembrar o que eu queria dizer com minha linha especial... Eu me referia à menina que não gostava de "balada". Mas é claro, eu estava adivinhando a opinião de quem é sangue do meu Sangue, de quem tem sede do outro Vinho e também não é do tipo que maltrata. Para ter certeza se ela iria onde ela toca, eu teria que perguntá-la, "Você não acha que essa menina tem uma energia melhor, que o ambiente deve ser menos pesado para quem só quer saber do que pode dar certo?". Talvez ela fizesse uma pesquisa mais aprofundada e, ao descobrir que nem todos os títulos dela eram iluminados, poderia me aconselhar a ter cautela caso ela buscasse se aproximar. Há sempre como ficar mais cobra.
Ainda assim, eu provavelmente não teria como me defender disso, porque creio que foi coisa do Agente Secreto de novo. Com certeza a linha especial foi inspiração d'Ele para causar essa situação. Mas quando não se busca ter um só Bem, como ser toda "trabalho" não ajuda a crescer e preencher o vazio, há sempre o risco de se buscar a mesma "diversão" das que não sonham em ter um bem para auxiliar na busca. Porém, era minha missão acreditar nela, uma vez que pelo menos inicialmente ela teve Fé e Coragem. Eu não sei o que passou na cabeça dela, talvez que o Reino viesse a ela sem que precisasse buscá-LO. Jesus foi até os apóstolos, mas chamando-os para segui-LO, não para permanecerem sentados no banco em que o Thompson os queria.
Ainda assim, eu provavelmente não teria como me defender disso, porque creio que foi coisa do Agente Secreto de novo. Com certeza a linha especial foi inspiração d'Ele para causar essa situação. Mas quando não se busca ter um só Bem, como ser toda "trabalho" não ajuda a crescer e preencher o vazio, há sempre o risco de se buscar a mesma "diversão" das que não sonham em ter um bem para auxiliar na busca. Porém, era minha missão acreditar nela, uma vez que pelo menos inicialmente ela teve Fé e Coragem. Eu não sei o que passou na cabeça dela, talvez que o Reino viesse a ela sem que precisasse buscá-LO. Jesus foi até os apóstolos, mas chamando-os para segui-LO, não para permanecerem sentados no banco em que o Thompson os queria.
Fugitive Lady

What did I say?
A Luana da Chuva não quis continuar a Viagem rumo ao Reino, preferiu pegar o ônibus rumo à Suécia antes de voltar para casa na Suíça. Será que a Luana do Vento é capaz de guardar-se dos ídolos e chamar El Rey de sua Terra Natal? Será ela uma deusa de Fora ou uma deusa de dentro?
Mine Blood

"- Oi, Teacher. Ela disse que me quer, mas não tenho certeza se quer Você.
- Just remember, there's no reversal to get Me and keep ELI without forsaking all.
- Sim, como uma orfã irá guardar O que não tem?
- Exactly, my boy, and if there's no ELO between you, you could end up badly hurt.
- Verdade, é como estar na mesma Sala de Aula apenas de corpo.
- An aluna believes there's no place to go but Up searching for Silver.
- Você enche meu coração de Paz. Love Ya!"
The Black Stallion Was On Me
Sometimes I come riding down off the Mountain, but it requires an enormous Courage. 🩸
sexta-feira, 28 de junho de 2024

Even if you don't believe in Adam and Eve, there's a way to prove you "believe" like them and are their child. Do you repeat their mistaken "relaxed" view of a universe without Law and threats, that false sense of safety that comes from "society"? Wake up and smell the coffee. Can't you see the ocean of anti-poetical words out there? You're going to need a Life Preserver to survive.
Leaving Eve Unserved
"And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward."
So, the guy from the internet company was in my building today to collect a neighbour's modem, who had contracted another company's service, and that neighbour, who freaks out with cables, told him to go to the building's panel and remove all unused ones. Based on the mistaken information given by the manager that there was only one apartment with active connection, and without checking with the company itself, he cut that from my apartment.
The manager's fault is peripheral to the analysis I wish to make here. I'd say it takes two ignorant individuals carelessly saying and doing something to break a connection. I mean, don't change anything out there to please someone who has a problem that is in her or his mind. You work for the Company, not for people who have their eyes set on external things and don't want to remove from them the useless material that keeps them from receiving the pleasant words.
I'm back on line; I myself fixed it, it cost me R$ 4.
Ready for another round, true gods?
So, the guy from the internet company was in my building today to collect a neighbour's modem, who had contracted another company's service, and that neighbour, who freaks out with cables, told him to go to the building's panel and remove all unused ones. Based on the mistaken information given by the manager that there was only one apartment with active connection, and without checking with the company itself, he cut that from my apartment.
The manager's fault is peripheral to the analysis I wish to make here. I'd say it takes two ignorant individuals carelessly saying and doing something to break a connection. I mean, don't change anything out there to please someone who has a problem that is in her or his mind. You work for the Company, not for people who have their eyes set on external things and don't want to remove from them the useless material that keeps them from receiving the pleasant words.
I'm back on line; I myself fixed it, it cost me R$ 4.
Ready for another round, true gods?
About To Let Mine Heart Speak

We fight a vain losing battle down there, wasting the little health that's left in us searching for a "happiness" that cannot be compared to the real One. We need the Reason to think like a real man and real woman, and be proud of Jesus. They say "human" beings are rational, whereas animals are not, but that's not entirely true; what really makes us different is not the capability of reasoning with words, because only the Word restores the Power to think the thoughts that matter. So, without Her, no matter how naturally smart a person is, he or she will always have a tough, impossible job trying to work on a valuable speech.
The ambitious girl has found Good, and she'll just get Better.
Within a few Years, Dorothy will be rich.
quinta-feira, 27 de junho de 2024
The Strangest Thing

"And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children."
When Lilo is in Nashville, she wants a family; when she's on the move around the globe, she wants the storm of different pictures captured by her eyes. So what happens when she meets Stitch at a house show? She's like, "No way, it's the family and the motion pictures! But wait... the guy is weirder than that unusual combination, his soul seems to travel beyond mine. What crazy house and trip is that he's got within his mind?". It's that where the Music playing is supernaturally deep. Has she learned with him to dig the same? It's not a matter of hanging out, but of sharing the same superfocus in mind.
I can't do this for another day.
Let's get Up to Rock.
Mine Heart
Jeremiah Knowland

"Surely as a wife treacherously departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel, saith the Lord."
The current state of the world is bad, wicked, as it has always been. And whoever stays inert, especially those who seek to fit in and be part of the mainstream, only go from bad to worse, further away from the Solution. So if a lady or a gentleman wants to go Out with you and agrees to go to the House, that's a first step Out of that hell. There's a second one to be taken if they really want to be safe with you, that is to show they are ambitious, wanting to go from Good to better. So if you see a sign of excitement with the only Thing you want, that they're only here for a good Time in the house too, man, woman, don't let your partner go, because you have just found a faithful friend there.
Some might think the verse is a message to a specific person. No, it's not, I've never talked to her. So how could she be my wife? In this area I only make small mistakes because of the Rain, and now I'm willing to make them again because of the Wind. Because I need to write with Emotion and love truly. Yeah, since the day she wrote that I've been wondering if she's a lot like me, a perfect pretender. This is a 911 situation; what could she be looking for in the most dangerous man alive? I have a feeling it's the Pill. Maybe she's really the one elected to hear from me, "Now you're dealing in diamonds". Not that the others were not, you know what I mean... the Chairman's secret.
I'm loving the Adventure.
Come with me, little brothers and sisters.
Let's Find The Rebels
Rainha Na Lua
Eu tô mudando o rumo da minha vida, Zé.
Aqui nessa Casa, Zé, ela vai ser minha mulher.
Long Time No Talk

When you're off the hook, you're on your own hook. That can mean something good or bad, it all depends on what hook we are talking about; you have to decide if you're going to call the Hook your own or remain independent. Even if your own ground is good, the only Way to start dealing with the Subject is receiving the Call and talking, right? That's how you're going to fill your own account with diamonds.
quarta-feira, 26 de junho de 2024
Cinema Libre

Did I watch Green Fire after watching that Puerto Libre video to choose the Instagram profile name? No, that was a Lethal Weapon inspired thing with a little touch of The Adjustment Bureau. I only watched Green Fire yesterday.
It's crazy how it's all there, isn't it? Even the 'gazelle'...
It's the Chairman's secret work.
Rain Of Emotion
Isn't that what you wanted? That the Rain was singing about you? When the first bottoms up is not to shake it off, the cup remains unsuitable for Something else. When it's always your Time to lay up for yourself treasures in Heaven, it's never your Time to make plans that are not true and die. Well, at least for me who am risen and have known the taste of Happiness, it's a tragedy to go back "home" instead of keep following the Teacher.
El Rey's Mountain
Did you know Alexandra is also Elizabeth? I didn't. I only found out yesterday, after looking for her Wikipedia page to know if, like Shue, she has only been married once. Obviously, it's not the name that makes them be the affectionate kind of woman, it's their personality, but some believe that names can mystically influence the individual's behavior, somehow boost an innate quality. I believe that while studying Leigh and Ali it was easy for them to figure out how to be convincing, since the writer's invention shared commonality with what they could find written in their own characters. I suppose it's always a harder task to do your job well when you have to imagine a path you haven't gone down personally. And it is a philosophical thing, because you're not going to take the serpent's offer to know evil by means of tasting it, right? You'd choose to rely on Wisdom's revelation, that is, unless you'd do any "thing" for cinema and your career.
I believe that if Adam and Eve had chosen the Tree of Life, they would have become capable of imagining all the misery that is in the world. I'm not sure when exactly a person receives the Gift, the Power to imagine and start restoring the Wealth, if it's when the good ground receives the Seed, or only after an experience of immersion in the Spirit. There were moments when I felt deeply depressed and it was hard for me to believe I wasn't fallen, but I wasn't. Probably, the moment you believe, the Connection is fixed and He comes, but you have to believe daily and He doesn't always come, I mean, you don't always feel that pure peace and joy, which is a Chemistry no drug can resemble. But once you feel it, you become like an addict, that's the only Life you want. And then you start searching for the Word, and the Word you know you're always finding a little More everyday, and one day you find yourself having a new experience of Transcendence.
Well, that's how it works for me. If I wasn't this crazy adventurer who believes he can find the Passion, I'd be looking for a woman like them on the same side to surround me with tenderness. Actually, I do look for her and I want what she's got, but I want More, so I want to bring her with me. The kind of "I love you" I want to say and hear is deeper.
I believe that if Adam and Eve had chosen the Tree of Life, they would have become capable of imagining all the misery that is in the world. I'm not sure when exactly a person receives the Gift, the Power to imagine and start restoring the Wealth, if it's when the good ground receives the Seed, or only after an experience of immersion in the Spirit. There were moments when I felt deeply depressed and it was hard for me to believe I wasn't fallen, but I wasn't. Probably, the moment you believe, the Connection is fixed and He comes, but you have to believe daily and He doesn't always come, I mean, you don't always feel that pure peace and joy, which is a Chemistry no drug can resemble. But once you feel it, you become like an addict, that's the only Life you want. And then you start searching for the Word, and the Word you know you're always finding a little More everyday, and one day you find yourself having a new experience of Transcendence.
Well, that's how it works for me. If I wasn't this crazy adventurer who believes he can find the Passion, I'd be looking for a woman like them on the same side to surround me with tenderness. Actually, I do look for her and I want what she's got, but I want More, so I want to bring her with me. The kind of "I love you" I want to say and hear is deeper.
Hello, Other Side
I know, my dear, you are trying to get up. Why didn't you dare to meet? This guy is not a nerd, do you know that? He is as bold speaking as he is writing. I thought you were a Carbon girl, nuts like me and in a Blazer, that we could deal in diamonds and start a partnership. If you were not, you knew I had enough Credit to invest in you, because to a real man it's not really important if she is rich already, only if she is ambitious. Did you do like the rest, shared my message instead of trying to be my friend and answer me?
You know, this is new to me, even I had never seen anything like this before. But I believed all of us three were equally loved, and if I wasn't allowed to be kind to and support my sister, I'd rather lose you. But I don't think that's the case, that you misunderstood me. I made myself clear I wasn't into polygamous "relationships", and you knew well how I hated promiscuity. So if you were testing the "chemistry" between you and someone else, you were still choosing "success" and would soon fail the big test and your indulgence be punished.
How would you be with me without hating the stupid's place, the idea that being surrounded by "things" can replace the Thing that lacks in you? I see hell when I look at those pictures of girls on boats, with a full cup in their hands and a fake smile on their faces, not paradise. That is so the other Cathy, it makes me puke. I believed you worked to keep yourself unspotted from that, but simplicity without Wisdom can't keep anyone really distant from that spirit. The humility in a child is good, but if he hesitates to go to Jesus, he's already going a different way, of pride for him "self" and shame for Him.
I'm a real rebel, I do the opposite of what I see fools doing. I don't need "friends", I don't need them answering me, so I'm free to keep loving Her and expressing myself. Because my connection with Truth has changed my perception of myself in a way "fame" could never do; I needed only one experience of Transcendence that showed me who I was in Him to say, "No way I'm ever going back to that vain lying existence". I didn't know I could look inwards and find myself so beautiful; I may have qualities, but it was Wisdom who did the trick.
What can I say? You wanted and made me love you as a woman, but you were unable to be a friend and a sister; you had the heart of a child, but all this time you remained uncertain if you wanted to grow or not. It was all like an act where I embraced you and you enjoyed watching how high I could take you. Of Course, professionally or otherwise, that's an impossible partnership without you deciding to work to get Her and hold Her tight. And you knew exactly when my own uncertainty on whether I was supposed to take your "theft" seriously ended.
You must have done something terribly wrong. I don't think you have no clue, you must know exactly why the Plan changed; it must have been something the Wind considered really disrespectful. Maybe you called home the place where people "dream", and was content with being there with someone who "loves" you, instead of coming to the other Side where there was Grace, Justice and so much More than what you can find in it. My Message and me were ignored, you didn't stop and waited for the Greyhound with its "ambition" to crash. Just maybe.
Like I said, I observe what fools say and do. And they reversely inspire me to keep succeeding daily towards a Tomorrow that's not predictable; in the many lies and in the much vanity they seek I see the "reason" why they are ashamed. They just can't think anything that matters, except to other fools. What were you waiting from me to at least talk to me? What could be more than my ice cream parlour tricks? What have you ever done that was a greater achievement than your own trick? You were waiting for the actress to perform hers to feel sorry for not even trying to say anything.
What have you finally realized? That there was a Game to be played and a Fight to be fought? Not against her. Who was your adversary? Yeah, it seems the other dad knew exactly how to make you let me go. But don't worry, four years later I was already gone. You actually failed to come with me.
I love you.
You know, this is new to me, even I had never seen anything like this before. But I believed all of us three were equally loved, and if I wasn't allowed to be kind to and support my sister, I'd rather lose you. But I don't think that's the case, that you misunderstood me. I made myself clear I wasn't into polygamous "relationships", and you knew well how I hated promiscuity. So if you were testing the "chemistry" between you and someone else, you were still choosing "success" and would soon fail the big test and your indulgence be punished.
How would you be with me without hating the stupid's place, the idea that being surrounded by "things" can replace the Thing that lacks in you? I see hell when I look at those pictures of girls on boats, with a full cup in their hands and a fake smile on their faces, not paradise. That is so the other Cathy, it makes me puke. I believed you worked to keep yourself unspotted from that, but simplicity without Wisdom can't keep anyone really distant from that spirit. The humility in a child is good, but if he hesitates to go to Jesus, he's already going a different way, of pride for him "self" and shame for Him.
I'm a real rebel, I do the opposite of what I see fools doing. I don't need "friends", I don't need them answering me, so I'm free to keep loving Her and expressing myself. Because my connection with Truth has changed my perception of myself in a way "fame" could never do; I needed only one experience of Transcendence that showed me who I was in Him to say, "No way I'm ever going back to that vain lying existence". I didn't know I could look inwards and find myself so beautiful; I may have qualities, but it was Wisdom who did the trick.
What can I say? You wanted and made me love you as a woman, but you were unable to be a friend and a sister; you had the heart of a child, but all this time you remained uncertain if you wanted to grow or not. It was all like an act where I embraced you and you enjoyed watching how high I could take you. Of Course, professionally or otherwise, that's an impossible partnership without you deciding to work to get Her and hold Her tight. And you knew exactly when my own uncertainty on whether I was supposed to take your "theft" seriously ended.
You must have done something terribly wrong. I don't think you have no clue, you must know exactly why the Plan changed; it must have been something the Wind considered really disrespectful. Maybe you called home the place where people "dream", and was content with being there with someone who "loves" you, instead of coming to the other Side where there was Grace, Justice and so much More than what you can find in it. My Message and me were ignored, you didn't stop and waited for the Greyhound with its "ambition" to crash. Just maybe.
Like I said, I observe what fools say and do. And they reversely inspire me to keep succeeding daily towards a Tomorrow that's not predictable; in the many lies and in the much vanity they seek I see the "reason" why they are ashamed. They just can't think anything that matters, except to other fools. What were you waiting from me to at least talk to me? What could be more than my ice cream parlour tricks? What have you ever done that was a greater achievement than your own trick? You were waiting for the actress to perform hers to feel sorry for not even trying to say anything.
What have you finally realized? That there was a Game to be played and a Fight to be fought? Not against her. Who was your adversary? Yeah, it seems the other dad knew exactly how to make you let me go. But don't worry, four years later I was already gone. You actually failed to come with me.
I love you.
terça-feira, 25 de junho de 2024
What A Lesson

Cathy was such a classy mature woman with a brotherly love in her heart. I understand what she understands, that there's no need to hurt or run away. That is inspiring to an ambitious woman, whereas a childish one who doesn't wish to grow remains blind to its beauty.
I guess I turned around a long Time ago...
If I can't be a friend and a brother, I can't be a man.
Beautiful Bay Side
segunda-feira, 24 de junho de 2024
She'll Wreck Ya
Bill Needs More Adrenaline
There is no "plan", except to love el Rey and the brave soul who wants to come withy me.
I felt pain; that means I need to fly higher.
Stop, Don't Go
What if you fail to meet the Whole condition and what else would be there to find? You end up in a place of "fear" and in a time where no "difference" is really More. So if you've found ONE, it's this Wealth you must keep searching for and not "things"; staying with Her is a daily decision. Is most cases, the failure is caused by the faith in "success", that is, the individual is believing more in those "things", asking and searching for them, while he pretends to be seeking Her. "Religion" is the same total waste of time, and happy fools only have one because they believe they are buying God's friendliness, and thus He's going to help them get what they want.
Pictures Come Alive When I Call
The "Church"

It's not safe there. If they were en Auto and listening to Him, hearing all that wickedness and malice they would have acted to put them away and block them from coming in again. If they didn't, that means I was the only survivor. Somehow I knew it all along, because they didn't speak the Language. So eventually my solitary efforts to get deeper into the Kingdom would get me out of that place.
domingo, 23 de junho de 2024
Oh, God
I used to think I was the only responsible for the synchronicities I experience, since I'm the only hardcore believer in the story. Now I'm sure He receives things other people involved in the signs say and do as prayers. Recently, after publishing that post with the Guns N' Roses song, I found an interview where she told she listened to that band before working with electronic music. She has that Life On Hold song, right? Would I have listened to that song there on the street if I had not embedded her video in my blog? If I had not written that email with the special line for her, would I still have listened to it again out there two months later? Maybe yes, because of that other video I embedded in the same blog. But certainly she's the one who triggered the event at the stationery shop, after publishing those two pictures. And I still think that Indulgence song was the anti-prayer that ruined it All, that linked her to the other dad who wanted her to have every "thing". It's too sad if she in fact did that, because she was really my only one, and the other girls I liked, I liked as friends and sisters.
Now I realize I wasn't the only one with a secret that day, that the girl with sunglasses was keeping something to herself too. She wasn't believing in me because of what she heard from me only, she had a reason to believe that encounter wasn't random. And her mind wasn't the only one I could read. I should have warned the other girl too, "You know these things you imagine when you listen to those songs are really strong and could be powerful in case He is listening to you, don't you?". She triggered that turning around... unless the first lady in my crazy trip is secretly following me and praying even harder, which is unlikely. I would give her a second chance, however maybe He wouldn't, like, "You should have tried to understand what he was trying to do, asking him some questions, when the boy was dumb". But she was very polite, and I understand her, that with those most beautiful eyes and golden hair she'd think I was only another one in the wall. I just wanted to protect her from this wicked world; I hope she's ended up some Where safe, far away from the "club".
Now I realize I wasn't the only one with a secret that day, that the girl with sunglasses was keeping something to herself too. She wasn't believing in me because of what she heard from me only, she had a reason to believe that encounter wasn't random. And her mind wasn't the only one I could read. I should have warned the other girl too, "You know these things you imagine when you listen to those songs are really strong and could be powerful in case He is listening to you, don't you?". She triggered that turning around... unless the first lady in my crazy trip is secretly following me and praying even harder, which is unlikely. I would give her a second chance, however maybe He wouldn't, like, "You should have tried to understand what he was trying to do, asking him some questions, when the boy was dumb". But she was very polite, and I understand her, that with those most beautiful eyes and golden hair she'd think I was only another one in the wall. I just wanted to protect her from this wicked world; I hope she's ended up some Where safe, far away from the "club".
Flying In My Shoes
Lilo let her psychedelic hardcore friend slip away. Is she lost forever now? No, she may be indifferent, but she's still ahead of most of them who need to show that they "rock", I mean, at least she'd be something less than mean. Well, at least not openly; maybe when alone she'd allow herself to be malicious? Who knows? Empathy is a good way to fly, since trying to see yourself where someone else is you could be unknowingly moving to Heaven to find yourself. People who don't fit in are seen as strange by the world, but they could be stranger than they can imagine.
Don't you worry, Lilo, Stitch will always love you. But if you wanted his Love the way one day you wanted him to know, you should've heeded his warning. After the madness, he goes back to tenderness. You know, though, it's not to him you'd have to ask for a second chance now.
Talk to her, ask what did she do to make it happen. Actually, what has she done...
I Can Really Have It All
If you knew you were chosen among all individuals in the world to receive from God a miracle in which you'd be turned into the most beautiful woman or most handsome man ever, and you'd need only to ask for it, would you? Initially, it could please your ego, make you feel "good", but soon you'd find yourself so lost due to so many people wanting to be close to you because of your appearance, that you'd start feeling hopeless of finding someone with potential to really love you, thinking that maybe it could be also preventing someone who would like you for who you are from even trying to talk to you to know the character you keep beneath that skin. It would be a fate where you have the whole world falling at your feet, while the one who would matter to you only observes at a distance that wall of people between you.
A sensible soul understands that Love is the greatest gift, so he or she would ask for It instead to please another sensible soul who likes them. Because both can perceive that the presence of a good looking person cannot be compared to that of one who has Good and is good. Do you realize how unbearable it can be to live with another empty soul who doesn't even seem to notice you're there, who has nothing to share except complaints? And no matter how much you "change" to please their ego, it'll never be enough, it's a scam, they're never going to really love you. Would you like to change your appearance to offer the world? You'll need more beauty than God has to give.
When you're in front of a mirror, are you telling your true or false self that what you see could be better? When it's your false self you're talking to, it takes control and makes you vain, and all you can think about is to "change" and please the world; when it's your true self you're contemplating, you have a sense of purpose. There's nothing wrong with wanting to look good, however we are surrounded by a world full of people who are not looking for Good, their "desire" is shallow. So if you're not a robot, only a biological machine, actually a divinely made subject, one millimeter below that surface, you're in trouble there, because no action you perform will be able to make the distracted mind see you as another kind of precious object.
I'd say to God, "No, first give me Love, secondly someone who would change for me, seek Her; and then you can change me into the most handsome one if you want to, not as gift to me, but to her".
A sensible soul understands that Love is the greatest gift, so he or she would ask for It instead to please another sensible soul who likes them. Because both can perceive that the presence of a good looking person cannot be compared to that of one who has Good and is good. Do you realize how unbearable it can be to live with another empty soul who doesn't even seem to notice you're there, who has nothing to share except complaints? And no matter how much you "change" to please their ego, it'll never be enough, it's a scam, they're never going to really love you. Would you like to change your appearance to offer the world? You'll need more beauty than God has to give.
When you're in front of a mirror, are you telling your true or false self that what you see could be better? When it's your false self you're talking to, it takes control and makes you vain, and all you can think about is to "change" and please the world; when it's your true self you're contemplating, you have a sense of purpose. There's nothing wrong with wanting to look good, however we are surrounded by a world full of people who are not looking for Good, their "desire" is shallow. So if you're not a robot, only a biological machine, actually a divinely made subject, one millimeter below that surface, you're in trouble there, because no action you perform will be able to make the distracted mind see you as another kind of precious object.
I'd say to God, "No, first give me Love, secondly someone who would change for me, seek Her; and then you can change me into the most handsome one if you want to, not as gift to me, but to her".
sábado, 22 de junho de 2024
Will Bring Sweet Harmony
Certa vez um defensor da "prosperidade" e do "luxo" argumentou que na época de Jesus o burrinho era a BMW. Não, o burrinho somos nós, que podemos escolher carregar a Riqueza na mente ou não. Se, evoluindo verdadeiramente, um dia chegarmos a ser uma BMW, será por causa d'Ele somente. Se a burrinha não for mais interessada no Ouro e na Prata do que em você, ainda que ela goste de você sem que você tenha ouro ou prata, ainda está adormecida na ilusão pagã, não sendo difícil nesse estado ela achar quem possua tais "coisas" mais "interessante", deixando você para viver essa "aventura" na primeira "oportunidade" que surgir.
Qual das duas burrinhas é a mais ambiciosa? E se elas me encontrassem no passado quando eu ainda era burrinho, qual delas gostaria mais de mim? São perguntas que eu sempre fiz, e minha intuição me dizia que era a menina desbocada. Eu era burrinho mas extremamente ambicioso. Não sei se a burrinha que me inspirou a ficar rico entendeu o que eu quis dizer com 'igrejinha'; parecia que eu estava falando daquelas Assembleias de Deus de beira de estrada, mas não era sobre isso. A minha simplicidade era mais profunda. O Campo em que eu me via morando com a Dorothy sempre foi aquele sobre o Arco Íris, aquele na Lua.
A menina que acreditou poder ser ela seria imatura ao ponto de buscar simular ser uma pessoa confiável ao invés de buscar realmente ser? Mesmo se eu encontrasse provas concretas de que era isso mesmo, não mudaria meu amor por ela, apenas não seria mais uma pessoa que eu gostaria de estar sentado ao lado, pois estaria fisicamente próxima mas com um coração distante e sem um desejo genuíno de se aproximar da Verdade e de mim. Quem se relacionaria com uma pessoa que não busca ter segredos de Sabedoria para compartilhar, ao invés disso, guarda segredos mundanos? A fraqueza de quem não busca a Força é insolucionável.
Você quer um exemplo de como a Razão nos humaniza? Eu poderia revelar o que passa na minha cabeça a uma mulher de Verdade, sobre como acharia outra bonita tanto de aparência quanto Caráter, que ainda assim isso não diminuiria a confiança dela em mim. Porque quando você tem a Fonte, você não permanece como os pagãos, em busca de uma fonte, de um ídolo que A substitua. Mas no mundo, na geração adúltera, ninguém é suficiente para ninguém, então ambos estão sempre considerando alguém que poderia ser mais "interessante". E por essa "razão" sempre haverá ciúmes, o medo de perder o "bem" que não busca ganhar o Bem.
Eu posso até ir a uma dessas igrejas contaminadas, corrompidas com o mundo, mas eu simplesmente não me sinto em casa. A ideia de "conforto" deles não se harmoniza com a minha.
Think With Me
If reading my words, listening to that song and watching that video, she was unable to explain to me what the crazy synchronicity meant, if she had no clue, that means it was a different test, like, "If you don't say anything, you're going to lose him". What else could I have said to convince her to sell the world and buy the Truth? I don't know. Maybe she couldn't believe the Cobra in me telling her its streets were dangerous, so ignoring the Cobra she also despised Her angel. Maybe she thought she was in control, that she had found someone who was so kind to her, that what he was offering and she was refusing to take would never be withdrawn. Wasn't he a missionary? He was sent by Someone she believed in, though maybe she didn't believe He could be severe.
Whether she knows or doesn't know the meaning, I know her "action" or omission means she loves the world, not Her and me. I think it's very unlikely there was no "action". I'm sure it was fate, just like it was misuse of free will that ruined it. I mean, my "future" was already ruined, hers wasn't. My choice, my action was simple, those magical words: work to get Her. Lloyd was right, because thinking about a person I've found the Cinema that is greater than any career I could've had in the world. I looked at those eyes and this happened to me. To see the mind of the one who stole her Cabriolet standing still was a bad sign. Nonetheless, maybe she was receiving the words of my search, just like the kind line that had made her feel special, right? So I had to go on.
Sadly, the chances are that Ali was not so special to her, that other places where she read not so bright words were comparable, even more desirable than this Place and place. So when she was walking in those woods, what kind of words would she consider profitable, useful to make her progress in Life? Was she really wholly interested in charging her battery with only one type of Energy? I'm not sure. She could be getting excited with this she sees here, however thinking not much about these words to start really desiring Her. Because, yes, to build a house di namaste requires a lot of meditation. And I don't know how much she hates the "club" to be the girl who loves the House and defends her house. Has she ever called the Rock and not the earth her foundation and home?
I was insecure to meet her, thinking it'd be so frustrating if the Explosion didn't happen. What am I talking about? Well, shortly after my experience of extreme good imagination, before knowing about and watching TAB for the first time, I was talking to a girl and she was only listening and staring at me when suddenly the Chemistry hit me, but I managed to control it because there were a lot of people around, and I also held back because I wasn't hearing from her, she wasn't talking at all. Only when it happened I realized she was looking at me "that way", so there was a conflict in me, like, "What if I'm feeling this because of her eyes, I'm imagining she is the girl?". All I could think on my way back home was, "Holy shit, that was crazy intense to be something carnal".
What do you think? If the other person is communicating "desire", could your desire show her the other Side? I'd rather not risk it. I mean, in her case, I probably would not have held back. I guess now it's too late, the Plan has changed LOL.
sexta-feira, 21 de junho de 2024
I Bleed With A Knife
Hey, stoney, you're not a "christian", right? I was thinking that maybe sometime you and I could go to the little church.
You know there's no pressure. But don't waste your time and get over the Clouds as soon as possible, which for you who can believe is now, because you also know I really care about you. No, people down there just ain't really serious. They wear suits and labcoats to make it look as if they work hard, but they just don't work at all. Sometimes it's a sweater, but there's still no real love of Truth except you remember the Rock that formed you.
I don't have many professional "connections" in Hollywood. Actually, I have none. Maybe Joel has a fake job for this student there... I know how to sweep the floor. I have no restrictions, I work on the 13th as well. So I'm not the kind of guy a girl will look at and say, "Wow! What a networking!". I'm too Autistic. My mind is always in Redwood, I'm never paying attention to the "things" that could make me a little more "interesting".
But I know how to make a girl look rad.
And be if she's willing to come with me.
You know there's no pressure. But don't waste your time and get over the Clouds as soon as possible, which for you who can believe is now, because you also know I really care about you. No, people down there just ain't really serious. They wear suits and labcoats to make it look as if they work hard, but they just don't work at all. Sometimes it's a sweater, but there's still no real love of Truth except you remember the Rock that formed you.
I don't have many professional "connections" in Hollywood. Actually, I have none. Maybe Joel has a fake job for this student there... I know how to sweep the floor. I have no restrictions, I work on the 13th as well. So I'm not the kind of guy a girl will look at and say, "Wow! What a networking!". I'm too Autistic. My mind is always in Redwood, I'm never paying attention to the "things" that could make me a little more "interesting".
But I know how to make a girl look rad.
And be if she's willing to come with me.
quinta-feira, 20 de junho de 2024
David Was Always Right

His subfocus' superfocus was entirely the Feeling and the Thinking too, so that means Elise was really something else. Why would Harry reveal Thompson's lies unless he was willing to inspire David again, to evict him from David and finish him?
What do I bring?
God, I hate lies.
The Whole Fucking Place
quarta-feira, 19 de junho de 2024
Futuro Infernal

A malícia não é a sua praia, Labecca. Você tentou reproduzir o que viu na piranha, mas fracassou miseravelmente. Ainda bem, porque "mulher" que se deleita em provocar ciúmes, ao invés de comunicar confiança, é alguém que escolheu apostar no diabo em si para ir em busca de uma falsa e estranha felicidade, onde nunca será capaz de amar nem ser amada verdadeiramente.
Do I have the angel and the devil in my soul? All I know is that I needed the Angel and the Devil in me to be saved.
Why Daniel didn't want to meet Ali? Maybe it was the stories they tell, maybe it was the devil in his own soul. Her angel is Angel and Devil powered, so it could be that he has become "afraid" of having the makeup converted into Camouflage and War Paint.
Although WakeupNot is not one of Her bands, those who want only the Angel and are content with being "friendly" listen to it a lot. But they're not really desiring the Angel, because the two are inseparable.
Yes, Ma'am
The world is wholly a bore, don't you think? 👨💻
This baby is good at loving Her, and he's taking you with him. 🧸
terça-feira, 18 de junho de 2024
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